Saturday, September 15, 2012

Fresh Food at Chinatown Market

Among the many interesting sights at the Chinatown market were displays of fresh produce and tanks of live seafood.


Live Crabs


  1. I saw the Jackfruit. I wonder if this is the same as "ugly" fruit?

    1. Jackfruit has an interesting taste, sweet and a little bit sour. Maybe we should do some taste testing in class? My husband had it on his vegan "faux" Ruben. It seems it's like tofu, however you season it is what it will taste like!?

  2. Jackfruit is pretty good husband and I had a jack fruit ruben at FUD restaurant which is a vegan, raw restaurant in the Westside. So, instead of a meat version of a ruben, we had a jack fruit ruben that actually tasted just like a regular ruben, but I thought much tastier! Mayabe this could be another restaurant to check out for the class?! Have a great week everyone!
    ~Tina Amaro

    1. sounds interesting, a Jack Fruit ruben...

    2. I would love to try that. I love reubens and I can see from how you describe the taste that if properly seasoned jackfruit would work very well with the other common ingredients of a reuben sandwich.

  3. Tino

    Good idea - I like FUD - another vegan place to check out is Cafe Gratitude - very tasty food. Also, the wait staff asks each customer a question of the day - like what do you want to create? what makes you happy? It is a very welcoming place. We'll have to do a vegan day as one of our enrichment choices.

  4. Hi Dotty...I also love Cafe Gratitude! I really appreciate their whole concept there! It is refreshing and something unigue and different from the ordinary restaurant experience as well! Sounds great! I am always up for vegetartian/vegan!

  5. What kind of taste does Jack Fruit have? Sweet, tangy? I have honestly never heard of it until now.

    1. I used to eat this a lot growing up in the Philippines. It's sweet, but not tart at all. It's not salty either! Although, it has a rubbery like texture that breaks down into strings, and eventually into something chewy!

    2. I'll check into bringing a jackfruit (they are huge) into class nextcourse weekend so we can all have a taste.

  6. Angela Putnam

    I was amazed at the selection of fresh fruits and vegetables the market carried. I have never seen so many beautiful fruits, almost too pretty to eat. If anyone saw the huge purple banana flowers, or knows what to use them for, I'd be up for finding an excuse to buy one. They also had about a dozen different types of sweet potatoes, which I intend to try.

  7. Did your experience meet with your expectations? You could comment on anything that surprised you or on anything that confirmed your expectations. What did you think of the packaging, or lack thereof, in the two markets? Did you notice anything familiar? If you made a purchase, please share what and why? Please post one comment about your experience and a second comment in reaction to any classmate's post.

    I was very excited to visit the Chinese food market mostly because I wanted to see if they had any exotic spices (I love trying new seasoning). I also wanted to see if it were like American supermarkets or something completely different. When I walked in, I was taken aback by the smell. I think I composed myself pretty well, but inside I felt this real uneasiness in the pit of my stomach from the strong fish aroma. I could also tell right away that this market was nothing like the grocery stores that I shop. There was dirt everywhere and I thought the produce and dead fish displays did not do them justice. Especially, the fruits and vegetables, the colors were dull and when I tried to smell them, all I could smell was fish. One thing that I really liked was the packaging because a lot of it was in three languages; Chinese, English, and Arabic. Also, the packaging was very bright and looked very 80's in style, which is always fun! I don't think I would go back mostly because of the smell but it was a good experience to see what a real Chinese market, or I guess a Chinese market in America looks like.
