Sunday, May 18, 2014

Soup for breakfast

Koreans rarely differentiate between breakfast, lunch and dinner foods. For example, today we had soup for breakfast. This particular spicy pork and veggie soup is believed to be good for those who have a hangover. Hangover or not, it was a delicious and hearty way to start the day.


  1. I enjoyed watching everyone try to eat this hot hot hot soup. Especially those whom may have had a slight bit too much soju last night! It was a beautiful display of Korean food with some wonderful side dishes as well!

  2. I thought it was interesting to learn that Koreans do not have differences in meal times like we do here in America. Personally, I'm used to having eggs, pancakes, walffles, etc. However, this delicious soup was amazing! It reminded me of a Mexican dish that is known to be consumd after a night of drinking as well. I wasn't hungover but that soup was one of the best dishes we tried on the trip.

    1. I also think it's interesting that Koreans don't differentiate specific foods with breakfast, lunch and dinner. Hongdae was way too much fun! I wish I coud say the same about not being hungover but I agree that the soup was delicious!
      -Erin Adair

  3. This hangover soup for breakfast was definitely needed! Man, I had way too much fun in Hangdae the night before :-p
    That hangover soup was spicy and delicious! I think it's so cool that they have a soup as a hangover cure, we need some of this in the States (hahaha).
    -Erin Adair

    1. Oof, me too. I totally agree- we really need something like this in the states! The soup was too spicy for me but I swear that meat in the soup was some of the best meat I've ever had. So good!!

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. The hangover soup was quite surprising to me. I thought they will have something more mild and stomach friendly after our stomach just came back from the fight with alcohol, then they present~~~the spicy meat soup~~~~~~~~~ Σ( ° △ °|||)︴~~~. Anyway, the soup was quite tasty and that was all I needed.
